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Euro - Pallets
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09:26:13, 12 Apr 11

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Ruf Briquettes for sale ,Price 120 euro per Ton DDP (Business Advertisement No. 20250312120348.11117 from 12.03.25 at 12:03 PM)

Company MAHLE ZG Transmissions GmbH, GmbH from Marco Homel from Grünsfeld 97947; Germany
Telephone 01700000011 business
eMail businesgroup8@gmail.com -- WWW https://woodpelletsgroupe.com/

we have wood pellets, firewood and hardwood briquettes, Ruf briquettes for sale
1 pallet = 67 bags of 15kg
price 120 euro per ton including transportation and delivery to your address
contact us for more details

Wood Pellets En plus A1 for sale (Business Advertisement No. 20250312115857.9064 from 12.03.25 at 11:58 AM)

Company MAHLE ZG Transmissions GmbH, GmbH from Marco Homel from Grünsfeld 97947; Germany
Telephone 01700000011 business
eMail businesgroup8@gmail.com -- WWW https://woodpelletsgroupe.com/

Buy wood pellets, firewood and hardwood briquettes, Ruf briquettes for sale
1 pallet = 67 bags of 15kg
price 85 euro per ton including transportation and delivery to your address
contact us for more details

Oak firewood for sale (Business Advertisement No. 20250311151931.9704 from 11.03.25 at 03:19 PM)

Company MAHLE ZG Transmissions GmbH, GmbH from Marco Homel from Grünsfeld 97947; Germany
Telephone 01700000011 business
eMail businesgroup8@gmail.com -- WWW https://woodpelletsgroupe.com/

we have wood pellets, firewood and hardwood briquettes, Ruf briquettes for sale
1 pallet = 67 bags of 15kg
price 85 euro per ton including transportation and delivery to your address
contact us for more details

Beech firewood and Oak firewood for sale (Business Advertisement No. 20250311150709.8456 from 11.03.25 at 03:07 PM)

Company MAHLE ZG Transmissions GmbH, GmbH from Marco Homel from Grünsfeld 97947; Germany
Telephone 01700000011 business
eMail businesgroup8@gmail.com -- WWW https://woodpelletsgroupe.com/

we have wood pellets, firewood and hardwood briquettes for sale
1 pallet = 67 bags of 15kg
price 85 euro per ton including transportation and delivery to your address
contact us for more details

Brennholz Holz Bretter Klötze in Holzboxen (geschäftliche Anzeige Nr. 20250304111115.22094 vom 04.03.25 um 11:11 Uhr)

Firma conmediax GmbH von Unruh aus 59557 Lippstadt ; Deutschland
Telefon 01751157764
eMail s.unruh@conmediax.com

Abnahme Zugweise
Einzelabnahme 19€/Box
Ich verkaufe Holzreste zum Verbrennen – ideal für Kamin, Ofen oder Lagerfeuer! Enthalten sind Bretter und Klötze in verschiedenen Größen. Das Holz ist trocken und sofort einsatzbereit.

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